• Hours 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Category: Mycorrhizal Products

Making the Most of Microbes

Tiny Soil Organisms Provide Big Soil Health Benefits by Mike Amaranthus Ph.D., Larry Simpson & Jeff Lowenfels Here’s a shocker: The next big thing in agriculture might not be big at all. According to biologists a single table-spoon of healthy farm soil may contain up to a billion assorted microbes, a mile or more of […]

Penergetic P and K

The Natural BioTechonology!: Penergetic means energetically programmed. Penergetic P Plant Growth/Development Penergetic P for Plants Applied to seeds, foliar applied, mixed in soil, incorporated with fertilizer or watered in.   Penergetic K Soil Activation Penergetic K for soil Mixed in soil, incorporated with fertilizer, side dressed, top dressed or watered-in.